The Maryland State Department of Education, Division for Leadership Development, is a member of the International Leadership Centre Network. Several areas of the world have organizations that belong to this network, including Hong Kong, New Zealand, Holland, China, Singapore, Ontario (Canada), Australia, and Denmark. Additionally, Penn State University, Vanderbilt University, the University of Santa Barbara (California), and the University of Washington are members. The National College of School Leadership in London, England is the driving force behind the Network. To date, there are no other state departments of education from the United States that are members. We are proud to be the first.
Network Purposes:
1. Facilitate an exchange of information on leadership issues
2. Promote research into leadership issues
3. Provide support to international exchange visits
4. Establish a mechanism for identifying and registering speakers for
conferences organized by partner organizations
5. Facilitate the means of identifying areas of further collaboration
between leadership centres worldwide
6. Facilitate the means of promoting and developing links between
theoretical considerations of leadership issues and practitioners
within schools
7. Promote virtual conferencing