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Programs > Service-Learning > Docs > Archive > Sherry Unger > 2009
Habitat for Humanity Banneker Recycles

Benjamin Baneker Elementary School, St. Mary’s County, Susan Parlett and Michelle Groft, sbparlett@smcps.org or megroft@smcps.org

Our school was contacted by Habitat For Humanity and asked to participate in a can recycling program. The cans that the students turned in are recycled and the money is used to buy supplies for Habitat For Humanity. As of April, Banneker students have collected 622 pounds of cans.

Benjamin Baneker Elementary School participated in Habitat For Humanity can recycling program
Click on the photo above for a larger photo.

Best Practice 1: What recognized community need was met by your project (e.g. health, education, environmental or public safety need)?
Our project met environmental and health needs and helped families in the St. Mary’s County community. In St. Mary’s County, there is a housing crisis for economically disadvantaged families.

Best Practice 2: How was the project connected to school curriculum (e.g. what course outcomes were met and/or how did the project reinforce or enhance student academic learning)?

1st grade VSC: Political Science

1.C.1.a Demonstrate ways to maintain a safe environment and school community

2nd grade VSC: People Affect the Environment

6.B.1.a Recognize and describe that the activities of individuals or group of individuals can affect the environment (recycling)

3rd grade VSC: Protecting Rights and Maintaining Order

1.C.1.a Describe the responsibility of being an effective citizen such as cleaning up your neighborhood, being informed, obeying rules and laws, participate in class decisions and volunteering

Best Practice 3: How did you reflect on your experience throughout the project?
We met to discuss incentives to help motivate the children to collect more cans. Over time, more students were involved with collecting the cans before and after school. Mrs. Parlett talked to students on the morning announcements to help motivate and let students know their progress.

Best Practice 4: How did students take leadership roles and take responsibility for the success of the project?
Different students would volunteer to collect cans weekly. Students encouraged family members to recycle and make recycling a part of their life.

Best Practice 5: What community partners did you work with on this project (e.g. non-profits, civic organizations, business that provided donations, etc.)?
Habitat For Humanity

Best Practice 6: How did you prepare and plan ahead for the project?
Mrs. Parlett had weekly communication with Habitat For Humanity. Mrs. Parlett coordinated how, where, and when to pick up cans. Habitat For Humanity supplied us with grade level bins and bags for the cans.

Best Practice 7: What knowledge and skills did students develop through this project?

1. How to make the world a better place by recycling.
2. The importance of helping others by bringing cans to school and 
    placing them in marked bins.
3. Students became an active part of the community.
4. Students became leaders because they helped to collect cans.

Habitat for Humanity Banneker Recycles Photo

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