WHO: Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick, State Schools Superintendent
Fred Graffam, Regional Senior Vice President, Comcast
Dr. Sydney Cousin, Superintendent, Howard County Public Schools
Scott Ruehl, Principal, Mt. Hebron High School
Larry Walker, 2008 State Comcast PIMA winner
Parents, Teachers, and Students
WHAT: In celebration of American Education Week, Dr. Grasmick will join Comcast’s Mr. Graffam at Mt. Hebron High School in Howard County to announce a call for nominations for the second annual Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Awards (PIMA). This first-of-its-kind program honors parents and others with legal responsibility for a child whose exemplary contributions to public education have led to improvements for Maryland’s public schools.
In addition, Mr. Walker of Howard County will share his insight as the first-ever state-wide winner of the Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Awards. He was selected as winner of the 2008 program for his commitment to improving academic achievement at Mt. Hebron High School.
Maryland is the only state in the nation with such an award program highlighting the positive impact parents have on public schools and encouraging all parents to get involved in whatever way they can.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 19, 2008
9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Mt. Hebron High School
9440 State Route 99
Ellicott City, Maryland 21042