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Programs > Service-Learning > Docs > Leas

1. Service-Learning Contact Information


Zulieka Jarmon-Horsey, Dorchester County Public Schools


410-901-6940 x3607







2. Teacher Fellows (see overview)

Deborah Wooden, 2010, Mace's Lane Middle School (School Counselor), woodend@dcpsmd.org

Valerie Lomax, 2009, North Dorchester Middle School (Social Studies), lomaxv@dcpsmd.org

Voting Counts (civic responsibility)

Donald Brian Ansel, 2006, Winter Street Elementary School, anseldon@wcboe.k12.md.us Moved to Washington County

Teresa Berry, 1998, Mace's Lane Middle School (Social Studies), 410-228-2111

The student service-learning project at 7th grade is peer mediation. Each year we train about 250 students to become mediators in the school building. All 7th grade students also do a service-learning project in their social studies class each year. The projects vary from year to year based on community needs.

Regina Teat, 1995, Principal, Hurlock Elementary School

Children designed "Winter Holiday" cards which were sold to family and friends. Profits from the boxes sold went to two local churches. This class project involved cooperative learning groups - each group was responsible for designing one card. The activity integrated math, writing, language and social studies. Next we will be doing an interdisciplinary project with the Humane Society dealing with the care and protection of animals.

Contact Information
Julie Ayers, Service-Learning Specialist
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone:  410-767-0358
Fax:  410-333-8010
Email:  jayers@msde.state.md.us
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