Have you ever known parents who work so hard, so creatively, and so effectively to improve public education that you wanted to shine a spotlight on them? Now you can. Comcast and the Maryland State Department of Education have partnered to create the Comcast Parent Involvement Matters Award, an annual program to honor Maryland parents who have made outstanding contributions to public education.

Below are the program materials, which you can download and begin using immediately to share the exciting news of the award.
o Application: English
o Application: Spanish
o Application: Korean
o Application: Vietnamese
o Application: Chinese
o Application: French
Award nominees should be parents (or others with legal responsibility) of a child currently in a Maryland public school who have made a significant, positive impact on public education within the last 24 months in one or more of the following areas: communication, volunteering, learning, decision making, or collaboration. See the award application for selection criteria and examples. (Employees of Comcast, the Maryland State Department of Education, or a Maryland public school system are not eligible.) The deadline for completed applications is January 23, 2008.
One parent from each Maryland county and Baltimore City, and one state award winner will be selected for their outstanding contributions to public education and recognized at an awards event hosted by Comcast in the Spring of 2008.
Updated: 04.18.08