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Programs > Title I
Rocking the Three R’s: Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor!
Title I Administrative Meeting
April 26-27, 2012
All Documents Are In PDF Format 
Title I Update
Maria E. Lamb, Program Improvement and Family Support Director, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This update will focus on the recently USDE published Non-Regulatory Guidance on Serving Preschool through Title I, Part A and Maryland's proposed ESEA Flexibility Plan.
Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor: Implications for the School House Phillip Byers, Sandalwood Elementary Principal, Baltimore County Public Schools Christina Byers, Milbrook Elementary Principal, Baltimore County Public Schools
One of the greatest challenges we face today and in the future is to ensure that equity is provided so that everyone "get's it", despite a child's poverty level, pre-school experience, or language acquisition. The "it" goes beyond specific content to include communication, human relations, problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. We simplify these challenges into three areas of focus: 1) building relationships with students, community, and among staff members, 2) providing relevant professional development in order to develop a staff committed to a shared vision and deeper understanding of content and pedagogy, and 3) providing opportunities for all students to achieve to their maximum potential through rigorous instruction that is data driven and differentiated.
Best Practices: Voices from the Districts - Involvement Through Empowerment - Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor: Parent Involvement Ingrid Reynolds-Lawson, Gaywood Elementary School Principal, Prince George's County Public Schools Jacob Novick, Gaywood Parent Character Liaison, Prince George's County Public Schools Tonya Thompson, Gaywood Parent Advisory Committee, Prince George's County Public Schools
This presentation focuses on the principal's experiences growing up as a "Title I" child and how it afforded her with an inroad to forging relationships with parents. Additionally, it shares how the school has built the capacity with parents to form a solid team that contributes to decision making regarding our school's Title I budget, the School-Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Plan, as well as the schoolwide instructional program.
Parent Partnerships Christy Scott, Parent Liaison, Somerset County Public Schools Tracey Holland, Title I Coordinator, Somerset County Public Schools
This presentation will focus on building parent partnerships at the school and district levels with parents/community. By understanding the instructional needs of our students, we learn how the school reaches out to family members in order to make connections and build strong relationships to support their children.
Strategies for Addressing Diverse Populations Cheryl Vauls, Garnett Elementary School Principal, Kent County Public Schools Amy Crowding, Garnett Title I Reading Coach, Kent County Public Schools Tina Washburn, Title I Coordinator, Kent County Public Schools
At this session participants learned about ways that Garnett Elementary School staff works to meet the needs of its rapidly increasing ELL population. Participants took part in a simulation of Garnett's "Parents as Partners Program." Additionally, the presentation focused on a partnership with the Judy Center that helps parents of ELL students support their children with homework assignments. The school shared how it adapted programs to build relationships with diverse populations and help parents of ELL students support their children's learning.
An Effective Instructional Support Model in Fiscally Lean Times Mary Dagen, Title I Supervisor, Baltimore County Public Schools Michele Stansbury, Title I Supervisor, Baltimore County Public Schools Heather Insley, Resource Teacher, Baltimore County Public Schools
This presentation explained how the Baltimore County Public Schools' Office of Title I transitioned from a job-embedded coaching model to a centrally funded service model as part of ongoing professional development support in building teacher capacity. The major consideration during this transition was preserving the quality of services to schools with significant student achievement challenges while also providing all Title I schools an opportunity to experience supplemental professional development. A differentiated service model, a timeline for implementation, service plan templates, optional professional development calendar, and lessons learned are shared.
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Findings in Maryland Maria E. Lamb, Program Improvement and Family Support Director, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This presentation focused on the preliminary findings from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for Maryland's Title I American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) spending in specific Maryland school districts.
Fiscal Source Documents Cvieta Jovanovich, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This presentation is an overview of the following fiscal source documents: OMB A-87; OMB A-133; 34 CFR Part 200; ESEA; Non-Regulatory Guidance; COMAR; EDGAR; GEPA; Improper Payment Act of 2002; MSDE Financial Reporting Manual; and OIG Audits.
Time & Effort Reporting Requirements Cvieta Jovanovich, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This presentation focused on the regulations and requirements of reporting Time & Effort. The following items are addressed: Single Cost Objective; Semi-Annual Certification; Multiple Cost Objectives; Personnel Activity Reports (PARs); Policies and Procedures; Reconciliations; and Consequences.
Title I Case Study: Spending Plans; Requisitions/Purchase Orders; Supplement not Supplant; Reasonable and Necessary; Allowable and Allocable; and Source Documents Jim Newkirk, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
The Title I Case Study's purpose is to build capacity of federal regulations and statutes to ensure full compliance of programmatic and fiscal requirements. In this hypothetical scenario, Title I Coordinators and meeting attendees took on the role as the MSDE Title I Point-of-Contact for Wilson School District. In a monitoring role, meeting attendees monitored Brownville Elementary's approved Title I Parent Involvement Spending Plan and its purchase orders/requisitions.
Enhanced Fiscal Monitoring Analysis for Title I Parent Involvement in Maryland School Districts Jim Newkirk, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education Barbara Scherr, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
Due to the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) preliminary finding in Maryland and, as MSDE's corrective action plan, the Program Improvement and Family Support Branch conducted an Enhanced Fiscal Monitoring protocol in all Maryland schools district during the 2011-2012 school year. This presentation focuses on what the MSDE Title I Point-of-Contacts learned in their assigned Maryland school districts.
Top Ten: Title I, Part A Program Review for 2011-2012 Jim Newkirk, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This presentation will provide summary information on the number of recommendations for improvement (findings) in Maryland school districts based on MSDE's Title I Program Review Monitoring Documents for 2011-2012.
Budget Amendment Process: Tracking the Title I Dollar$ Tina McKnight, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education Geri Taylor Lawrence, Program Improvement & Family Support Specialist, Maryland State Dept. of Education
This presentation reviews the MSDE Amendment Process for Title I, Part A including: purpose, forms, and helpful hints.
Current Federal and State Fiscal Issues for 2012-2013 Jim Clark, Financial Reporting and Coordination Branch Chief, Maryland State Department of Education
This presentation focused on the Federal and State Fiscal Issues for 2012-2013. Items covered included: Title I, Part A Preliminary Allocations; Auditors; ESEA Maintenance of Effort; Annual Financial Reporting (AFR) System; and Title I, Part A Carryover.
Tina McKnight, Interim Director |
Program Improvement and Family Support Branch Division of Student, Family, and School Support Maryland State Department of Education |
200 West Baltimore Street |
Email: |
tmcknight@msde.state.md.us |