Baltimore County/Sparks Elementary School
Rigorous educational standards, high academic achievement, highly qualified teachers, outstanding parent involvement, and a spirit of team work and collaboration are the hallmarks of Sparks School which has been a part of the Sparks community since 1909. Historically high assessment results that are well above county, state, and national norms reflect the commitment of teachers, staff, and the community to educational success for all students. Sparks has received numerous Maryland School Performance Recognition Awards, is designated as a Maryland Green School, and has been recognized as "One of Baltimore's Best Schools" by Baltimore Magazine.
Baltimore County Public Schools
Sparks Elementary School
Barbara Bisset, Principal
Howard County/Clarksville Elementary School
The staff, students and parents of Clarksville Elementary School are proud of its 40-year tradition of academic excellence amidst a family atmosphere. Academic success is reflected in CTBS and MSA assessments which earned the school Maryland Performance Recognition Awards in 1998, 1999 and 2000. Clarksville is proud of its reflective staff and its parents who provide continual support for students and the school. Over 300 parents volunteer in classrooms each year. Staff development, through Critical Friends Groups, is focused on developing strategies and techniques to meet the specific needs of all sub-group populations.
Howard County Public Schools
Clarksville Elementary School
Brad Herling, Principal
Kent County/Rock Hall Elementary School
Rock Hall Elementary School is a small, rural Title One school that serves students from pre-kindergarten through grade four. The school slogan is: "Reaching High Expectations Successfully". Harmony between the dedicated and caring staff, parents, community, administration, and businesses has enabled and empowered the children to achieve at high levels. The school has been recognized as a 2004 National Distinguished Title One School and received the Maryland School Performance Awards for four years, including 2003 and 2004. Other awards include: The Maryland Excellence for Minority Achievement, Maryland Character Education, and the Governor's Salute to Excellence.
Montgomery County/Viers Mill Elementary
Viers Mill Elementary's staff, students, parents, and community partners are united in a collaborative effort to continuously improve student achievement. Serving children from 42 countries who speak at least 32 languages, Viers Mill became the first Title I school in Montgomery County to have over 70% of students in grade 3 and 5 score at the proficient level on the Maryland School Assessments in reading and math. This achievement reflects the schoolís motto: PRIDE (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence).
Montgomery County Public Schools
Viers Mill Elementary School
Jamie Virga, Principal
Worcester County/Showell Elementary School
For 28 years, Showell's mascot, has led the school in celebrating academic success with the motto "To Do Is To Be". Instructional excellence occurs in partnership with an active community, supportive hands-on administration, and dedicated highly qualified faculty, who together recognize the uniqueness of each student. In 2002 Showell was named a Maryland Character Education School and its counselor was named Maryland State Elementary Guidance Counselor for 2003. Through the Accreditation for Growth process, Showell has been recommended by Middle States Association for accreditation in spring 2005.
Worcester County Public Schools
Showell Elementary School
Paula Jones, Principal

Blue Ribbon School Bios 2004
Baltimore County’s Carroll Manor Elementary School has been recognized as a School of Distinction, earning the Maryland School Performance Recognition Awards for several years. Focusing on high student achievement, the faculty and students have worked rigorously to attain assessment results well above the county, state and national norms. A groundswell of support is offered through community involvement in numerous extra-curricular programs such as Spelling Aces, Geography Club, Writer’s Workshop, Sacks of Science, 24 Challenge and the Chess Club. Parents and students work together in a quest for lifelong learning.
Caroline County’s Preston Elementary School’s motto “Preston Sets the Pace” reminds school members that their goal is to work hard and move students to high achievement. Since 1994, the school’s composite index scores have risen 73%, and it was rewarded with the Maryland School Performance Recognition Award in 2001. Preston, a school with many economically disadvantaged students consistently performed above expectations. Student success is a direct result of focused instruction and above average dedication of students, teachers, administrators, and parents.
Howard County’s Centennial Lane Elementary School is celebrating 30 years of academic success, with a history of focused leadership, highly committed staff, and a supportive parent community. Staff members have been recognized by a variety of awards. The school received a Maryland School Performance Award in 2001 and 2002 and Baltimore Magazine recognized it as one of the area’s best elementary schools. Centennial is proud of its related arts programs which include large strings, choral, and band programs. A caring student population has helped others by assisting food banks, fire departments, and children in Afghanistan.
Montgomery County’s Carderock Springs Elementary has sustained an enviable record of outstanding student achievement throughout its thirty-eight year history. Regardless of the local, state or national assessment instruments used, the performance of Carderock students has garnered recognition from numerous state and local public and private agencies. A strong instructional staff and active parent and community involvement support the hard work of Carderock’s internationally diverse students. At Carderock Springs, the prevailing belief is that learning is for all - adults as well as children.
Prince George’s County’s Beacon Heights Elementary in Prince George’s County is a Model Comprehensive Title 1 School that prides itself in its rich and rigorous instructional focus which has led to a dramatic rise in achievement for its students. In a relatively short time, the school, with 76% of its students eligible for free and reduced meals, progressed from reconstitution eligible status to become one of the most improved schools in Maryland. This year, the school met annual yearly progress standards for students in every subgroup and was recognized as a Maryland Title 1 Distinguished School.
Worcester County’s Snow Hill Elementary is one of five elementary schools in the Worcester County School System and services students from pre-k through grade three. Snow Hill Elementary School, a full comprehensive Title I School, is one of a consortium of schools that also includes Snow Hill Middle School and Snow Hill High School. Recently, Snow Hill Elementary was named a National PTA Involvement School of Excellence. The staff and students work diligently to promote involvement as well as lifelong readers, thinkers, and writers. The school’s slogan “Celebrate Success” commemorates the dedication of the entire school family.
Schools Selected as 2004 No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon Schools
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