Dear Colleagues:
Welcome to Maryland's portal containing national and state resources for Response to Intervention (RtI) and tiered instructional programs. We anticipate that this site will support parents, educators, and school-based problem-solving teams in serving each student in our schools.
Maryland has an ongoing commitment to improve education for each student in our State, striving to strengthen each Maryland school to ensure all students master content knowledge in all their subjects. Our Tiered Instructional Approach to Support Achievement of All Students: Maryland's Response to Intervention Framework 2008 document provides guidance to local school system's in Maryland to support achievement of all students with emphasis on those students who are not demonstrating grade appropriate skill and content mastery. This site contains links to support the essential components of RtI including universal screening, tiered levels of intervention, progress monitoring, and fidelity of implementation. With the implementation of RtI processes, Maryland educators can continuously refine educational practices to ensure each student achieves or exceeds performance standards.
Enhancing educational quality requires ongoing support, collaboration, and advocacy among students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community and governmental leaders. The implementation of these processes is complex and requires ongoing learning for local school system staff, as well as, informational meetings for parents, and community and governmental leaders regarding how to support this effort to meet the needs of each student in Maryland public schools. On this site you will find linkages to professional development modules to support your work.
Thank you in advance for your continuing efforts to improve education for all children in Maryland schools. Together we can continue to ensure that Maryland's public education is the best in the nation.
Lillian M. Lowery, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Schools