Announcing a New Resource:
Essential Components of RTI
— A Closer Look at Response to Intervention
The National Center on Response to Intervention (NCRTI) has developed a new resource, Essential Components of RTI – A Closer Look at Response to Intervention. This document provides a definition of RTI, reviews essential RTI components, and responds to frequently asked questions.
Through this document, we maintain there are four essential components of RTI:
- A school-wide, multi-level instructional and behavioral system for preventing school failure;
- Screening;
- Progress Monitoring; and
- Data-based decision making for instruction, movement within the multi-level system, and disability identification (in accordance with state law).

The information presented is intended to provide educators with guidance for RTI implementation that reflects research and evidence-based practices, and supports the implementation of a comprehensive RTI framework. We hope that this brief is useful to your RTI planning, and we encourage you to contact us with additional questions you may have regarding effective implementation of RTI.