Title I Administrative Meeting
May 11, 2011
Leading School Transformation
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Dr. Betty Molina Morgan, America's Promise Alliance
Transforming schools to world-class levels requires strategic decision-making and risk-taking on the part of the leader. Dr. Betty Morgan, AASA 2010 National Superintendent of the Year, will provide a framework to improve schools and will offer proven, concrete strategies, processes, and actions needed to effect dynamic change.
Turning Around Low Performing Schools
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Carlas McCauley, USDE
Update: Linking Data Elements for Title I Data Collections 
Kristi Peters, Presenter Title: Coordinator, Research and Evaluation
Program Improvement and Family Support Branch, MSDE
Participants will be provided an update on current Title I data collections and requirements for Federal reporting. Provide review of definition of data elements (flags) captured in the MSDE Attendance Data Set that are Title I data points and the importance of collaboration and communication at the LEA level to ensure that data are accurately reported. These include TAS, SW, Homeless, and Choice
Small Group Breakout Sessions
Putting a Plan into Action: The Restart Partnership between Baltimore City Schools and Friendship Schools at Friendship Preparatory Academy at Calverton
Ms. Tanya R. Green, Friendship Preparatory Academy at Calverton Principal
Mr. Chris Maher, Deputy Chief Academic Officer, Friendship Schools
Mrs. Beth Nolan Director of Turnaround Schools Baltimore City Public Schools
The panel discussion will give a historical perspective on how a school started the process to improve student achievement and how City School’s partnership with Friendship Schools enabled that growth to increase more rapidly.
Discovering the Root Cause for Non-Performance
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Teresa Knott, Supervising Coordinator for School Performance
Program Improvement and Family Support Branch, MSDE
Ever wonder what’s holding your school back from achieving its best? Come discover how to “drill down” to identify root causes by conducting the Teacher Capacity Needs Assessment (TCNA). The TCNA’s primary intention is to identify and address, as precisely as possible, the root causes underlying key issues impacting student performance, either negatively or positively. Its secondary intention is to ensure that the staff and administration collectively agree on the recommended significant reform efforts and the allocation of a school’s key resources in terms of time, energy, personnel, and money to improve student achievement.
Managing the School Choice (SC) Option:
Best Practices from a Battle Tested Veteran 
Thomas Webber, Assistant Supervisor Title I Office
During the 2010-2011 school year, Harford County Public Schools offered School Choice for the first time in 5 years. This session will outline best practices used by Harford County Public Schools to meet the School Choice Requirements for Title I. Concepts and programs will be shared that relate to the documentation, integration of technology, planning, and procedures developed to manage Title I School Choice. The information shared in this session will provide Title I Coordinators with replicable, innovative ideas to better meet the Title I School Choice Requirements.
May 12, 2011
Top 10 Compliance Issues
Jim Newkirk, Title I Specialist
Program Improvement and Family Support Branch, MSDE
Find out which components from the State’s monitoring of Title I, Part A and ARRA had the most findings and the components with the least findings.
Breakout Sessions Supporting School Culture and Climate
School Completion and Education Reform --
"The wave of the future is now" 
Robert Murphy
Specialist, School Completion and Alternative Programs, Student Services Branch, MSDE
Participants will learn about enrollment in Maryland’s Public Schools, examine the significant challenges of school completion from a student, parent, and school perspectives, lastly participants will learn strategies to enhance school completion.
School Climate: An Opportunity to Focus on Schoolwide PBIS
Sally Dorman, Education Specialist, Psychological Services
Student Support Branch, MSDE
The training will provide an overview of school climate and how it applies to schoolwide programming such as PBIS.
Supporting Students with Health Needs 
Donna Mazyck, RN, MS
Alicia Mezu, RN, MSN/Ed
Student Services Branch, MSDE
This presentation will provide a framework for discussion about the role of school health services programs in Maryland public schools. Discussion will include an overview of school health services programs and the function of school nurses as a part of the school's multi-disciplinary team to bridge the gap between health, wellness, and learning. Resources for working with parents, other health professionals, and other school staff will be discussed in supporting students’ health needs for academic success.
Including All Students in K-12 STEM Instruction
Michelle Shearer, Urbana High School
National Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Shearer will discuss strategies for making STEM instruction accessible for all students by sharing experiences from teaching at the Maryland School for the Deaf and Urbana High School. STEM education is both a national focus and one of the initiatives of Maryland’s 3rd Wave of Reform. Mrs. Shearer will address the goals of the STEM initiative and emphasize the need to focus on STEM instruction at the elementary level to provide a strong foundation for students.
Maryland's New Common Core State Curriculum 
Mary Cary, Assistant State Superintendent
Division of Instruction, MSDE
Participants will have an opportunity to review curriculum development materials so that they have an understanding of the timeline and processes for the transition from the present state curriculum to the Maryland Common Core State Curriculum.
New Evaluation Models for Teachers and Principals 
Bernie Sadusky, LEA Liaison for Policy, MSDE
The presentation reflects the work of the Gov’s Task Force in developing a new evaluation model for both teachers and principals.