Alan W. Hammond Allegany County Allegany High School 10-12 Grades Environmental Science |
 Susan Casler Anne Arundel County Crofton Middle School 7-8 Grades Language Arts
 Andrea JacksonBaltimore City Northwood Elementary 5th Grade |
 Michelle Dressel Baltimore County Public Schools Loch Raven Academy 8th Grade Social Science |
 Barbara Redgate Calvert County Patuxent High School 11-12 Grades, Physics |
 Tamra Baurys Caroline County Greensboro Elementary School 4th grade |
 Gail E. Dillaway Cecil County Rising Sun High School 9-12 Grades, Social Studies |
 Sarah Smith Charles County - Milton M. Somers Middle School 6th Grade, Language Arts |
 Lorraine Anders Dorchester County Warwick Elementary School Grades K-5, Special Education |
 Mark Carl Sunkel Frederick County Linganore High School Biology
 Lisa Bender Garrett County Southern Garrett High School 10-12 Grades, Marketing |
 Susan J. Healy Harford County North Bend Elementary 4th Grade |
 Brooke Kuhl-McClelland Howard County Hammond High School 9-12 Grades, Dance Education |
 Lisa Marie Orem Kent County Henry Highland Garnett Elementary School Grades K-4, Physical Education |
 Robert Dahlin Montgomery County Ridgeview Middle School 6-8 Grades, Music |
 Denise Dunn
Prince George's County Deerfield Run Elementary School 5th Grade |
 Honey M. Voermann Queen Anne's County Stevensville Middle School 6-8 Grades, Art |
 Andrew Todd Somerset County Somerset 6-7 Intermediate School 7th Grade, Math |
 Stephanie B. Flick St. Mary's County Benjamin Banneker Elementary School Kindergarten & 1st Grades |
Lisa Kline Talbot County Tilghman Elementary School 6th Grade

Nancy Souders Washington County Smithsburg Middle School 6th grade |
 Diana D. Churchman Wicomico County Charles H. Chipman Elementary 2nd Grade |
"2007 Teacher of the Year"
 Michelle Hammond Worcester County Stephen Decatur Middle School 7th Grade |