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Programs > Service-Learning > Docs > Leas

1. Service-Learning Contact Information

Coordinator: Michael Charlton, Wicomico County Board of Education
Telephone: 410-677-4540
Fax: 410-677-4490
E-mail: mcharlto@wcboe.org
Website: www.wcboe.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=3063562&pageId=3690573
Approved Local School System Service-Learning Implementation Plan:
Wicomico County

2. Teacher Fellows (see overview)

James Hesen, 2013, James M. Bennett High School (Social Studies & History), jhesen@wcboe.org 

Chandler Sickmund, 2006, Wicomico Middle School (Special Education Inclusion), csickmun@wcboe.org  

Pemberton Park Brochures

Students created brochures about Pemberton Park to promote the park.  Each brochure included the following information about the park: history, ecosystem, top ten reasons for a student to visit the park, and a brief summary of their experience at the park.  The students used Microsoft Publisher for their final copy. The brochures were then given to Pemberton Park to be distributed to other young adults who visit the park.

Cheryl Doughty, 2005, James M. Bennett High School (Family and Consumer Sciences, Technology), Wicomico County, cdoughty@wcboe.org

Family and Consumer Sciences students created hundreds of hand made stuffed bears for the young patients in the Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s Emergency Department.  Students acquired and used skills in computer graphing, public relations, child development, textile manufacturing technology, business management and teamwork to create a product that brought comfort to many ill and injured children.

Beverly Durham, 1993, Wicomico High School - Retired

Students Organized for Service (S.O.S.) students receive nine weeks of in-class training on community needs. Then the students choose service projects at a community based service agency. Finally, they report back to the classroom on a regular basis to reflect on their experiences. Reflection component includes a choice of journal writing, watching tapes or looking at pictures of service action and then writing a response, or writing a personal reflection by responding to a quote about service.

Contact Information
Julie Ayers, Service-Learning Specialist
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone:  410-767-0358
Fax:  410-333-8010
Email:  jayers@msde.state.md.us
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