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Board Agenda - Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Nancy S. Grasmick State Education Building
200 West Baltimore Street – 7th Floor Board Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2595


Artwork in the Board Room is from Baltimore City

9:00 a.m.                                                  CALL MEETING TO ORDER                                      

9:03 a.m.

1.   Consent Agenda Items

       a)    Approval of Minutes of May 19, 2015

       b)    Personnel

       c)     Budget Adjustments for May, 2015

       d)    National Board Candidates for 2015-2016

Oral Argument

9:10 a.m.                                       

2.   Tiffany Neal, et al. v. Anne Arundel County Board of Education


9:45 a.m.                                       

3.   COMAR 13A.11.01 Vocational Rehabilitation
       COMAR 13A.11.04 Business Enterprise Program for the Blind
       COMAR 13A.11.08 Workforce and Technology Center

9:55 a.m.                                       

4.   COMAR 13A.02.05 Maintenance of Effort

10:10 a.m.                                     

5.   State Assessment Program Options, 2015-2016

10:40 a.m.                                      BREAK

10:55  a.m.                                    

6.   Alternative Certification Pilot (Legislation)

Information & Discussion

11:15 a.m.                                     

7.   Maryland’s State Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent  Educators


11:45 a.m.                                     

8.   Recognition of Members Leaving Board Service

Noon                                                ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION


2:00 p.m.                                       

9.   State Superintendent’s Update                                                                        
      - Race to the Top Update                                   

2:15 p.m.                                       

10. State Board Member Update                                                                                           

2:25 p.m.                                       

11. Public Comment

2:55 p.m.                                       

12. Opinions

3:00 p.m.                                        A D J O U R N M E N T

*The State Board of Education is pleased to receive oral public comment at each of its regular monthly meetings. In order to allow the State Board sufficient time for its other business, the total time allotted to public comment will generally be limited to thirty (30) minutes. Individuals seeking to speak to the Board will be given three (3) minutes each. Persons desiring to speak to the State Board, must call (410-767-0467) or e-mail ( the Board office no earlier than one week prior to the meeting to register to speak. Registration will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. In order to make the limited time available most effective, speakers are urged to provide multiple written copies of their comments or other material amplifying their views.